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Welcome to Skin Harmony:

Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out

Welcome to Skin Harmony:

Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out

For the Modern Wellness Enthusiast Seeking Radiant Skin and Total Well-being

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to unlock your skin's natural beauty while nurturing your body, mind, and spirit?

Look no further than Skin Harmony, a life-changing 3-month wellness program meticulously crafted to boost your skin health from within.

What Makes Skin Harmony Unique?

Holistic Approach

Say goodbye to quick fixes and temporary solutions. Skin Harmony embraces a holistic philosophy, addressing the root causes of skin concerns through a blend of functional medicine, acupuncture, online courses, and personalized skincare routines.

Expert Guidance

Access a team of wellness experts dedicated to your success. From experienced functional medicine providers to skilled acupuncturists and skincare specialists, our team is committed to guiding you towards skin harmony and total well-being.

Tailored Solutions

No two individuals are alike, and neither are their skincare needs. With Skin Harmony, you'll receive personalized recommendations tailored to your unique physiology and lifestyle. From customized supplement regimens to targeted skincare treatments, every aspect of the program is designed with your individual needs in mind.

Holistic Approach

Say goodbye to quick fixes and temporary solutions. Skin Harmony embraces a holistic philosophy, addressing the root causes of skin concerns through a blend of functional medicine, acupuncture, online courses, and personalized skincare routines.

Expert Guidance

Access a team of wellness experts dedicated to your success. From experienced functional medicine providers to skilled acupuncturists and skincare specialists, our team is committed to guiding you towards skin harmony and total well-being.

Tailored Solutions

No two individuals are alike, and neither are their skincare needs. With Skin Harmony, you'll receive personalized recommendations tailored to your unique physiology and lifestyle. From customized supplement regimens to targeted skincare treatments, every aspect of the program is designed with your individual needs in mind.

Embrace Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out

Are You Looking For...

  • Clearer, smoother, and more radiant skin

  • Reduction in acne, inflammation, and redness

  • Improved skin tone and texture

  • Enhanced skin hydration and elasticity

  • Prevention of premature aging and fine lines

  • Hormonal balance and support for overall well-being

  • self-motivated to take action

  • looking to be connected with a qualified functional medicine doctor

Are You Looking For...

  • Clearer, smoother, and more radiant skin

  • Reduction in acne, inflammation, and redness

  • Improved skin tone and texture

  • Enhanced skin hydration and elasticity

  • Prevention of premature aging and fine lines

  • Hormonal balance and support for overall well-being

  • self-motivated to take action

  • looking to be connected with a qualified functional medicine doctor

Embrace Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out

What's Included in The Skin Harmony Program?

DUTCH Complete Specialty Test:

DUTCH Complete Test Kit: $510 $489

An Expert Evaluation of Results:

An individualized one-to-one Zoom™ consultation with our Functional Medicine provider, where you get interpretation and evaluation of your personal DUTCH Complete results. This appointment is typically an hour long.

Keep in mind: This price already include Processing, Handling, Shipping, and Interpretation Fees. You may personally submit these tests to your health insurance as many plans qualify these tests for insurance reimbursement.

In-Office Services:

Experience the power of hands-on healing with in-office services. Let our skilled practitioners rejuvenate your skin and revitalize your spirit.

* 3 Acupuncture Services

* 3 Customized Facials

Products Included: Stone Crop Gel Cleanser & Radiant Protection Sunscreen SPF Fluid.

80+ Online Course Modules & Lessons:

Kickstart your journey with our "all-systems re-boot" food guide. Fuel your body with nourishing foods that support vibrant skin and optimal health.

The comprehensive online lessons will help you unlock the secrets to long-term health and skin vitality. From stress management to skincare tips and mindfulness practices, empower yourself with the knowledge to nourish your skin from within.

These modules are not just for the duration of the program—they're an investment in your lifelong well-being.

Exclusive Discounts:

Elevate your skincare routine without breaking the bank.

Enjoy exclusive perks as a Skin Harmony participant, including 10% off products purchased from Calm Spirit during the program and 25% supplement discounts when ordering through our preapproved dispensary.

Customized Supplement Recommendations:*

Unlock your skin's potential with personalized supplement recommendations and dosage schedule based on your individual needs for the duration of the program utilizing certified grade, high quality supplements. Say hello to radiant skin from the inside out.

Personalized Support:

Navigate your wellness journey confidently with two 30-minute Zoom consults with our functional medicine provider. Receive customized guidance, track your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.

What's Included in The Skin Harmony Program?

DUTCH Complete Specialty Test:

DUTCH Complete Test Kit: $510 $489

An Expert Evaluation of Results:

An individualized one-to-one Zoom™ consultation with our Functional Medicine provider, where you get interpretation and evaluation of your personal DUTCH Complete results. This appointment is typically an hour long.

Keep in mind: This price already include Processing, Handling, Shipping, and Interpretation Fees. You may personally submit these tests to your health insurance as many plans qualify these tests for insurance reimbursement.

In-Office Services:

Experience the power of hands-on healing with in-office services. Let our skilled practitioners rejuvenate your skin and revitalize your spirit.

* 3 Acupuncture Services

* 3 Customized Facials

Products Included: Stone Crop Gel Cleanser & Radiant Protection Sunscreen SPF Fluid

80+ Online Course Modules & Lessons:

Kickstart your journey with our "all-systems re-boot" food guide. Fuel your body with nourishing foods that support vibrant skin and optimal health.

The comprehensive online lessons will help you unlock the secrets to long-term health and skin vitality. From stress management to skincare tips and mindfulness practices, empower yourself with the knowledge to nourish your skin from within.

These modules are not just for the duration of the program—they're an investment in your lifelong well-being.

Exclusive Discounts:

Elevate your skincare routine without breaking the bank.

Enjoy exclusive perks as a Skin Harmony participant, including 10% off products purchased from Calm Spirit during the program and 25% supplement discounts when ordering through our preapproved dispensary.

Customized Supplement Recommendations:*

Unlock your skin's potential with personalized supplement recommendations and dosage schedule based on your individual needs for the duration of the program utilizing certified grade, high quality supplements. Say hello to radiant skin from the inside out.

Personalized Support:

Navigate your wellness journey confidently with two 30-minute Zoom consults with our functional medicine provider. Receive customized guidance, track your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.

Quality & Quantity Guarantee:

Our Preapproved Dispensary will provide therapeutic levels of highly sourced and certified nutrients not found in store-purchased brands. These supplements will not contain unnecessary binders and fillers found in generic brands. The quantity of supplements recommended will carry you through the entire 3-month program.

*Customized Supplements:

Due to the varying nature of needs from person to person, recommended supplements are not included in the program fees. To help you prepare, a hefty 12-week supply of superior grade supplements can range somewhere between $200-$600+/-. These recommendations are based on test result findings. Fullscript™ will email the recommendation list after the report of findings and protocol review. Payment, delivery and customizations will be fully managed by Fullscript™.




Embrace Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out

Quality & Quantity Guarantee:

Our Preapproved Dispensary will provide therapeutic levels of highly sourced and certified nutrients not found in store-purchased brands. These supplements will not contain unnecessary binders and fillers found in generic brands. The quantity of supplements recommended will carry you through the entire 3-month program.

*Customized Supplements:

Due to the varying nature of needs from person to person, recommended supplements are not included in the program fees. To help you prepare, a hefty 12-week supply of superior grade supplements can range somewhere between $200-$600+/-. These recommendations are based on test result findings. Fullscript™ will email the recommendation list after the report of findings and protocol review. Payment, delivery and customizations will be fully managed by Fullscript™.




Embrace Comprehensive Beauty from the Inside Out


Calm Spirit Integrative Wellness, Inc.

Program Partner

Calm Spirit strives to be your home for integrative holistic care. Each treatment is as unique as you are and we are here to empower you to embark on your healing journey. Our seasoned practitioners are here to provide optimal care and guide you through this transformative process by ensuring that you are never alone and fully supported. Cultivate and elevate your well-being - embracing a healing path marked by holistic care.


Amy Denicke DC, IFMCP

Founder & Doctor

Prior to her chiropractic degree, Dr. Amy owned Core Flex Inc, a functional training gym in Aspen, as a corrective exercise practitioner. In 2011, she received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree and education from Life University in Atlanta, GA. Since then, Dr. Amy has obtained a board certification with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFMCP) as well as other certifications and professional achievements that identifies Functional Medicine as her passion. She specializes in GI disorders, Pain, Hormones, and Detoxification.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the Skin Harmony Program

The Skin Harmony program includes:

*In-office services such as a Skin Health Assessment when you come in for your first facial, Acupuncture Sessions

*Zoom meetings with our Functional Medicine provider

*10% off products from Calm Spirit during the program

*An "All-Systems Re-Boot" food guide with grocery lists and recipes

*Full access to 80+ online course modules on various health and skin topics

*Customized supplement recommendations based on your results from the Dutch Complete Specialty Test

*25% discount on Supplements through our online dispensary

*Personalized guidance and support throughout the program using holistic skin care practices, hormone balancing strategies, nutritional support, and supplements for skin health tailored to your needs.

How does acupuncture benefit my skin?

Acupuncture improves skin health by balancing Qi flow, stimulating collagen production, regulating hormonal imbalances, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. These effects help address skin concerns like acne, aging, and overall skin vitality.

Is the Skin Harmony program suitable for all skin types?

Yes! The Skin Harmony program is designed to accommodate all skin types and concerns. Our holistic approach ensures personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs.

Will this work for me?

“I’ve been to so many dermatologists and estheticians, yet nobody seems to help me with my skin. How do I know this will work for me?”

• If you’re looking for a quick fix, a magic facial… then this type of program isn’t for you.

• If you’re not open to new ideas or willing to actively participate in your care… then this isn’t for you either.

But we can and do help most people who want to help themselves too!

• If you’re looking for a natural approach to finally resolve your chronic health issues that cause skin problems for good…

• If you’re ready to address the root cause that’s been keeping you stuck…then you’re in the right place.

Is Functional Medicine affordable?

“I can’t spend much money; I am on a fixed income and have only limited resources.” Believe me, we hear that a lot… and here’s what we told Janine, a 48-year-old single mother: “Let’s assume you could get back to vibrant health within a year… waking up energized, without aches and pains… steady mood throughout the day…. clear and sharp mind….gorgeous skin and complexion ready to tackle anything the day may bring… what would that be worth to you?

So what people are really asking is, “Is It worth the investment?” – and the answer is absolutely! We have a payment plan, financing options, and payment flexibility – and we currently have many clients on a fixed income!

How do I schedule my in-office services and Zoom meetings?

After enrolling, you will receive instructions via email on how to schedule your in-office services and Zoom meetings.

Do I have to be local to be a member?

Yes. This specific program includes acupuncture and esthetician services that are performed in our office.

Do you accept insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid?

As it turns out, we are out of network with insurance, Medicare, Medicaid but certain items are HSA/FSA eligible expenses.

Can I use my insurance for lab tests?

Depending on your out-of-network benefits, you may get covered for some of the specialty labs that we contract with. Superbills can be provided to you for submittal, although there is no guarantee of coverage.

How do I get started?

It’s very simple. Click on the button to Join above and enroll in the program!

©2024 Calm Spirit Integrative Wellness Inc & Wellness Affiliate Program by Core Flex Wellness | Phone (970) 279-1665